“…looking for incredible and courageous women of color who are going to help us transform Texas.”@cristinatzintzun .Find out more on how you can apply for our Movement Mujeres fellowship. #MovementMujereshttps://www.movementmujeres.com/

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· 12.13.18

Just yesterday, a white former frat president was let off for violently raping, and nearly killing, a female student. He will serve no jail time & not even be registered as a sex offender.Meanwhile #CyntoiaBrown, a childhood survivor of sex trafficking who was SOLD to a 43 year old pedophilia will not be eligible for parole for 51 years for killing her predator in self defense.Ask yourself if this would happen to someone who was white? (BTW: If anyone knows the artist, we would love to tag and credit)

Click here to support legal cost of frontline workers and doctors who could be sued under the new Texas anti-abortion law.

Proceeds from this fund will be used to support an indemnification fund to protect frontline workers and medical professionals who could be sued under the new Texas anti-abortion law, SB8.