The Newsletter of the Deeds Not Words Community

January 20th, 2016 | Deeds Digest No. 35

Hello #ChangeMakers!

Well, today is... a day. But tomorrow, tomorrow we make history. 

Following my loss in Texas 2014 gubernatorial race, I penned a piece for Lenny Letter about the fact that "I Fucking Hate to Lose." I know you do, too. Which is why I love you! But as I wrote there, "In my 52 years, I’ve found that the things worth fighting for are always the hardest. And there is so much to be gained in fighting the fight, even when we fail." We make advances even when we lose, and that rings more true this week than ever before.

While we failed to elect our first woman president in 2016, we gained an army of #ChangeMakers committed to fighting for our rights this year and beyond. We've banded together to push for change with the power of our clicks and our calls and tomorrow we get to meet thousands (if not millions) of our fellow fighters in person at Women's Marches across the country. That, my friends, is powerful.

Tomorrow we'll come together in community, in sisterhood, to show our power, to demonstrate that we aren't going anywhere and that we won't be ignored. But let's make sure that we don't show up tomorrow and then consider the job done. The fight is just beginning, and we as #ChangeMakers must commit to pushing for long term #Deeds that can't be achieved in one day alone.

Last week's 'DO' asked you to help hold Betsy DeVos accountable for protecting students by asking her to commit to upholding the sexual assault protections grounded in Title IX. Her confirmation hearing came and went, but many questions remain unanswered. I know you'll help assure we won't let her off the hook, even long after she's confirmed. We don't let #Deeds go unfinished.

Because at #DeedsNotWords, we're in it for the long haul. We know you're willing to do the hard work it will take to get the deed done. Marches around the country are meaningful and symbolic, but are just the beginning of a movement that we'll need to maintain. 

And we'll need YOU to keep coming back, completing our 'DO's and spreading our 'LEARN's, all year long.  

Today feels like a sucky day, but we are strong and we are going to keep "marching" forward after tomorrow. We'll keep our 'DO's coming, week after week, in a steady drumbeat to keep up the momentum that begins tomorrow. We're not letting the excitement of tomorrow's marches die. Instead, and with your help, we'll light a torch to fuel change for years to come.



This week’s #ChangeMaker: Micaela Elizabeth Canales

Micaela Elizabeth Canales is a young advocate for reproductive justice, fighting one of the toughest fights here in our home state of Texas. She uses a powerful combo of well-researched information and real, vulnerable story-telling to pack a serious punch through the written word. 

Her personal account of the difficulties of accessing healthcare could move mountains, and sway the Texas legislature: 

"When I remember my own experience as a young Tejana so broke that I literally dug through couch cushions to find enough money to afford Plan B, I am grateful for my resilience. But I am also disgusted that a group of white male ideologues had the power to legislate my access to reproductive health care. It was not and never will be just. The 2017 Texas Legislative session is barreling towards us, and recent elections have emboldened racist, classist, anti-choice politicians.... So, to my fellow young Texans who believe in reproductive justice: it’s time to boot up. The upcoming session promises to be a rough ride, and we have to give them hell."

You are just what Texas needs, Micaela, and your #Deeds don't go unnoticed!

Know a hero making a difference in their community? Send us a picture of someone you’d like to see as #ChangeMaker of the week here, along with their story, and you might just see it in the next Deeds Digest.

One in eight women experience post-partum depression, so it seems like a no-brainer that mental health should be included in comprehensive healthcare for new moms. Read about the effort to provide behavioral support to low-income women.

Remember when an MLB player tried to #mansplain birth control to Jessica Chastain? Yeah, it wasn't pretty.

Everyone agrees that 2016 was a rough one. But it was a year that also made history for good, marking Planned Parenthood's 100 year anniversary. Lena Dunham, Mindy Kaling, Amy Schumer, Meryl Streep and more tell that story.
#DearBetsy: a letter from Wendy Davis to Betsy DeVos
Last week, we asked you to record #DearBetsy videos, urging Betsy DeVos to commit to upholding Title IX in her confirmation hearing. Well, she didn't; but Wendy's committed to hold her accountable moving forward. Join her in posting your own appeal to protect students nationwide.

To know where we're going, we must know where we came from. Time Magazine provides a brief history of women's protests to get even the newest supporters of the women's movement up to speed.

Whether you're marching on Washington or in your own state, know what you're in for. With great opportunity comes responsibility, too, so be sure you're prepared to March safely and effectively:

Below are actions #ChangeMakers can take as part of #WomensMarch and immediately after to protect the rights of women:

Before the March

Will you be in Washington DC for the #WomensMarch? Or are you hoping to join a sister march in your city?  

  • Here is where you can find your local march.
  • Listen to this recorded briefing from leaders of the Women's March to understand it's objectives.
  • Make sure you register to stay informed! Text 'Why I March' to 97779 to stay involved.

At the March

First off: stay safe! Be vigilant, and once you're in a good spot and aware of your surroundings:

  • Record a Facebook Live from the front lines. Be sure to tag @DeedsNotWords!

After the March

The resistance STARTS tomorrow; the March is the not the end! Here is how you can stay active:

  • Make a video explaining why #TitleIX matters to you.
    • Sharing your story is the best way to get Betsy's attention and educate others in the process. 
    • Use these talking points to express why Title IX is essential in protecting your right to equal access to education and an educational experience free from violence.
    • Post the video to social media and tag @BetsyDeVos using the hashtag #DearBetsy
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